The Melbourne Fringe Tour Ready program assists our artists to extend the life of their show beyond the Festival.
By participating in this program you'll get the chance to meet people and build relationships with a range of producers and promoters from Melbourne, across Australia and around the world.
This is achieved through networking events with key industry professionals and resources to help you make. Our team also helps delegates discover Fringe shows that align with their interests.
Let's explore the key elements of the Tour Ready program
We invite a presenters, producers and festivals from across Victoria and interstate to attend Melbourne Fringe Festival. To assist you in finding the opportunities you’re looking for, we create a ‘Delegate Directory’. Think of it as your “little black book” of important festival contacts! This directory includes delegates’ names, contact details, programming objective's, the dates they’ll be in Melbourne and more
The Delegate Directory will be ready for Tour Ready participants in August.
We are continuing the Digital Elevator Pitches option to the Tour Ready program. You can provide a pre-recorded 90 second video of you/your team pitching your work. We then provide these pitches to delegates to review in the lead-up to and during the Festival.
Your pitch should be short and shiny – but make sure you include the following details:
The video doesn’t need to be highly produced – it can just be filmed on your mobile phone!
It may include some footage from your show but must be a maximum of 90 seconds long.
Last year, we saw how effective this opportunity was in facilitating collaboration and partnerships. We’ve picked a few examples we think really knocked it out of the park - conveying their events storytelling, vision and expectations effectively, all while following our time prompts – find these here!
During the Festival, Tour Ready participants are invited to two networking events with a range of interstate and local programmers and presenters. It’s a great opportunity to chat about your work, discuss future touring possibilities and mingle with both presenters and industry peers.