In the leadup to the program launch, we’ve got some piping hot tips to pass on to help you in regard to publicity:

  1. Think about what’s unique about you or your Fringe event (this is your selling point). What separates your show from all the others? Does your show take place in a unique location? Does it cover a topic that people are talking about in the media already? Are you an artist with an unusual story like a big career change or an uncommon life event that inspired you to make your show? Use that in your pitch to media!
  2. First impressions count, especially in regards to your show images. Make sure you have a great, hi-res image that visually represents your show. Media always gravitate to impactful, colourful images that ideally feature people. Without an eye-catching image – it’s hard for them to get you any PR. If you’re not entirely satisfied with your hero image, you can update it on Eventotron in the Event Listing section, but please note – you’ll have to email [email protected] (and if you change it, it will be different to your printed guide image, so think clearly about the pros/cons before changing your hero image).
  3. Have a think what kind of media might be interested in your show. Take a look at their website and see if a journalist you might like to contact has written about a similar subject before, they might be a great target for a personal approach. If you can introduce yourself to a journalist and show WHY your show is good fit for their column or website or program, they are much more likely to be interested because you have shown that you’ve done your research.
  4. When we launch our full program to the public send your media release to the journalists you think might be interested in your show in personalised email. There’s a how to guide on our Resource Hub which outlines the best way to personally approach a journalist with a snappy email that will get their attention, don’t just send out mass emails to the media, add a personal touch!
  5. Use our Media Contact List! We will compile an essential list of media contacts for you, which will be sent to you via your Artist Bulletins. You should focus on targeting publications that may be interested in your event and tailoring your approach to them specifically. Changing the name at the start of the email isn’t enough – you need to explain why your event is relevant to them, and why their readers might like to hear about it.
  6. Have a creative approach! What else can you offer the journalist that makes you and your show stand out? Have you got a sweet short-form video preview of your show? Lots of media outlets have Instagram and TikTok accounts which is a great place for short form video content that has a similar look and feel to their in-house produced content
  7. Do you have a really visual, energetic and dynamic show that would look great on camera? We know your time is precious and we always love to hear from artists who are willing to go that extra mile to do an early morning TV weather cross, or pose for big fun splashy picture in the paper. We’d love to hear from you in a brief email!
  8. If dealing with the media gives you anxiety – no sweat! We are here to help. If you’re approached by a journalist and unsure of the best way to respond – you can always reach out and we can help you through the process. Email [email protected] and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction!

As mentioned above, your media release and images should already be uploaded to our registration site Eventotron. It’s a super important part of your overall marketing strategy for your Fringe event, so (if you haven’t already) devote some time to making this happen.

If you can afford to, hire your own publicist. Remember, we work to publicise the Festival as a whole, rather than individual shows.