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Make sure you click the ▸arrows▸ to dropdown additional info and tips!


To apply for Fringe Programmed Venues, you’ll need to fill in an online form which will go live on Monday 24th March. Don’t worry, we’ll post about it far and wide!

Below you will find a breakdown of each part, and question of the application. There are tips in many of the drop down arrows. Generally we suggest you draft the longer answers of you application in a separate document, then copy them into the form.

Putting together your application

You’ll be asked a lot of questions as part of your Fringe Programmed Venues EOI. In order to program we need to know a lot about you, your show and your technical and logistical needs. You won’t always have the answers if your work is still at the concept stage, but please provide as much detail as you can manage. The more info we have at this stage, the better we can find you the most appropriate space for your work.

It’s also important to be as flexible as you can in your options (obviously the more flexible you are, the more potential programming spots are available to you) but at the same time, please be clear where your line is.

Part 1: About You

Part 2: All About Your Event

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Tip: Keep in mind that this possibly the only source of information we have on your event, if you don’t provide details here you can’t assume we’re aware of it. So make sure it reflects the project clearly.




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