Getting to and from the venue
- Is the venue close to public transport?
- Is there accessible public transport and stations/tram stops?
- Are there accessible parking spaces at or near the venue?
- Is there a drop-off space outside the venue?
- Are the roads and paths near the venue well-lit and free from obstruction?
- Is there clear signage outside of the building?
Access at the venue
- Is there an accessible entrance at the front of the building?
- Are the doors automatic, or easy to open independently?
- Are the doorways wide enough for wheelchair users to wheel through (1100 mm or more)?
- Is there a lift that can be operated independently?
- Does the lift have braille signage inside and out?
- Does the lift have an audio voiceover?
- Are there flat surfaces and clear pathways throughout the venue?
- Is the counter suitable for a wheelchair user to see over?
- Is there adequate seating in the waiting area?
- Is there a hearing loop in the venue?
- Is there braille signage in the venue?
- Is there a communication board for people to point to?