The Digital Fringe platform will allow artists to get their pre-recorded shows, live events and other digital content to us so we can host, promote and sell tickets to their work online. It can host all kinds of work, from pre-recorded and live-streamed content directly embedded into the platform, to providing a framework for audiences to access and pay for one-on-one interactive events that rely on third party software such as Zoom. If you are presenting a digital work, please ensure you follow the steps below to ensure your work is hosted on our new platform!

Want to put on a digital show but not quite sure where to start? Email our team at [email protected].


In Step 3 – Digital Fringe, you’ll be able to choose whether your event is in-person, digital or both. If your event takes place online only**,** please choose Digital. If your event is in person, but you also want to present a digital version (e.g. you are simultaneously livestreaming the in person event), please choose Both In Person and Digital.

Step 3 – Digital Fringe is where you’ll put in most of the key info about your digital event. The info in this section will only show up if you’ve chose Digital or Both In Person and Digital.

Once you have ticked the box “I have read and understood the above instructions”, your event will automatically be added to the Digital Fringe venue. If your event is Both In Person and Digital, you’ll also need to add the venue where the in person event takes place.

Scheduled vs On Demand

On Demand means your digital event will be able to be accessed by the audience at any time between the dates you select. This could be anywhere from 24hours to the whole 2.5 weeks of the Festival. This is a great option for online exhibitions, pre-recorded video or events that don't rely on having multiple people watching and engaging at the same time.

Scheduled means that your digital event will ONLY be available at the dates and times you choose. If your digital event is livestreamed this is the option for you. It's also a good choice if you have a non-live event that you want audiences to experience at the same time, with the option to add a live chat and enhance the communal audience experience.

Choosing your platform

You will need to let us know which platform you are presenting your work on. This can be a video streaming platform like Vimeo, something like Zoom, your own website – basically anything you can provide a link to. For video and audio content (pre-recorded or livestreamed) we will embed any of the following platforms into our website, meaning audiences can watch/listen directly on the Melbourne Fringe website.